3 new ways to jack up your art

Being an artist is hard, right?

At least, that’s what I found out after 53 days of talking to as many of you as I could.

I kept hearing y’all were sick and tired of:

  • Inconsistent art results

  • Not being able to put your head on the page

  • Wanting to create, but can’t find the motivation

  • Feeling desperate to find a following

  • Lacking confidence in artistic success

  • Not making bank $$$

Fair. Guess nothing has changed, because that’s the same garbage I used to struggle with XD

To save you some time, I’m now offering 3 extra ways to help you disrespect them art struggles…

Pose Masterclass Workshop

For those of you who want to C R U S H drawing poses forever, I’m gonna do a 5-week group workshop.

We’ll go over all the good stuff like:

  1. Proportions and landmarks

  2. The most important muscles and bones

  3. Drawing men vs women

  4. Consistent freehand figure drawing

  5. How to turn humans into anime figures (bonus)

Into it? Sign up for the Pose Masterclass » (starting Aug 31)

Note: I know there’s 3000 of you out there between Patreon and the Newsletter, but 59 person LIMIT for the sake of questions.

Extra In-Depth Content

For those of you who are want to forget say good-bye to art struggles like clothing, hands, and hair I’m now offering a new patreon tier featuring:

  • Access to a Premium Discord

  • Exclusive lectures and guides

  • QnA sessions and assignments

  • Feedback on your art

  • Access to my entire pose library (1000 poses atm)

  • Priority requests for poses (tier 1 is getting busy XD)

Check out the New Patreon Student Tier »


And finally for those of you who want personally customized advice and guidance, I’m going to start offering lessons.

Dev your skills, or learn how to build your socials and sell your art.

As usual, zero pressure! These are only here if and when you need that lil extra.

YOU HAVE MY WORD that I’ll still keep working on making free stuff.

I love you all no matter what you do 🙏❤️ 

But...Why Learn From Me?

I think somewhere along the way, I forgot to introduce myself to most of you.

I’d bet most of you are the following person:

  1. wanted poses

  2. googled poses

  3. found my site

  4. wanted more poses

  5. joined the newsletter

  6. have no idea who tf i am

  7. here we are

  8. now what?

So here’s a long overdue intro. Hi, I’m Brosatsu :D

I’ve been working as a freelance-illustrator since 2016.

There’s a lot of rando finance-bros on the internet trying to “10X YOUR INCOME BY TUESDAY” (and it’s just dropshipping 🤦), but here’s my actual accomplishments so you know I’m legit:

  • Worked on hundreds of contracts - often for million dollar companies

  • 120k monthly pinterest views

  • 15k avg monthly site visitors

  • #1 on google search

  • This newsletter has 2600 subs - You’re currently reading it ;3

  • Taken multiple projects into 1-10k follower counts

  • Living a comfy life (and increasing my income) as an artist

  • Only working 20-30/hrs week from home the whole time

On the personal side, I also like business, spirituality, fitness, and being a super-dork.

I’m doing this all this, cuz I feel it’s time to move on from contracts and into a mentor role to foster the next group of artists.

Here’s the links again cuz no one wants to scroll up:

I'd be honored to help you on your journey - only if you want to though.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just REPLY to this email.

I’ll see you soon with that promised color tips and tricks tutorial (early next week probably).

