how i draw poses step by step

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🌸 How to Draw Poses Group Classes 🌸

Starting Aug 31 (in 4 days) I’m hosting 5 group-classes to teach you everything you’re missing to draw poses.

I want you so good that you never use my poses again 👍️ 

If that sounds cool, sign up for my Perfect Pose Masterclass »

I recently had someone in the discord (you know who you are 😏) ask me for my pose process.

So here it is! This is the same process I use to draw all my poses.

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My Pose Process

I always start with the head!

This line is to represent the flow of the body and spine. For many poses this line would curve. I’m keeping it simple for this example though.

Keep developing your central pieces. If you don’t get these right your limbs will look wrong.

You have probably figured out the idea is to start from the center and keep moving out. There’s no point in drawing feet if you put the ribcage in the wrong place.

Lay in the rest of your skeleton and major joints - remember that legs are about half of a human’s length.

Study the human skeleton if you struggle with the stickman.

Have you been studying your cylinders? I hope so, cuz the human body is A LOT of cylinders. Don’t worry about muscles yet.

Plot out major features like muscles, faces, fingers, and/or clothing (if you want to add clothes).

Draw your final lines with pen (traditional or digital) then erase and/or turn off your layers as you need to.

Boom! That’s how I draw poses.

If there’s still too many missing pieces and you’re struggling with:

  • anatomy

  • proportions

  • all of it

If you’d like, I can help you in my upcoming pose masterclass »

As always, remember to have fun with your art. If it ain’t fun you won’t practice. If you don’t practice, you’ll never get good. And what’s the point if we don’t get good, amirite?



Howdy, I’m Brosatsu!

My mission is to teach your how to thrive as a creator - whether it’s building an audience, paying the bills, or just feeling good about what you make ;3

I’m launching my 5 week group-class in 4 days!

1. Perfect Pose Masterclass Starting Aug 31 I’m running a series of group classes to show you how to master creating and drawing poses using the same fool-proof methods I use to create all my poses. Feel free to check it out. I would love to teach you 🙏 

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