4 quick tricks to improve your character art instantly

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Getting hit or miss results with your characters? Pfft. Screw that!

Here’s 4 lightning-fast tips you can start using the second you’re done reading this email. #2 is a especially tasty when you want that line art to sing. ⚡️ 

Let’s get it!

#1 Avoid Tangent Lines

A tangent is when two lines meet in a way that creates ~uncertainty~

Too many tangents and your art will start to have an uneasy quality that no one can quite explain.

Tangent Examples

Luckily the fix is super easy!

Go over your art and check for places where lines meet in indecisive and ambiguous ways - like the examples above ^

#2 Use Different Line Thickness

A big difference between dead and lively line art is using different line thicknesses to create depth.

This is because one of the biggest secrets of "good" art is using variation to show form and tell the viewer what’s the focal point of your picture.

Generally add thicker lines to these areas:

  • The bottom of focal objects (like a chin of a face)

  • The sides of objects that are opposite to your light source (like a forearm)

  • The underside of forms (like the underside of a breast)

  • Around really dark areas (like tight folds of clothes)

You can create different line weights as you draw using the same brush/tool with pressure changes OR draw your piece with one line weight- then add the thicker lines after using a thicker brush/tool - this works for digital and traditional.

#3 Give Your Character Space

Another easy fix I see a lot of people not taking advantage of is failing to give enough negative space to frame their character.

It’s almost like you are creating tangents between the character and the edges of the frame.

To fix this -wait for it- all you have to do is create more negative space around your character. The drawing can feel a little claustrophobic if you don’t.

General guidelines of character space:

  • Your character shouldn't use more than 80-90% of the area of the frame.

  • The smaller your character, the more important the background looks.

  • The bigger your character, the less important the background looks.

#4 Start With a Strong Pose!

No one is surprised that the pose guy is gonna mention picking good poses XD

But the foundation of every character drawing is the pose! You wouldn't build a house on a crappy foundation, right? Same goes for your characters.

Follow these poses picking guidelines:

  • Use a pose that tells viewers about your character. Don't give a sad character a happy pose.

  • Use a pose that makes for a clear silhouette. Consider repositioning your character if you can’t tell what the pose is doing from a simple silhouette.

  • Use a pose that has some movement to it. Use curved spines. Put your hips and shoulders at opposing planes. No flat, static lines!

If you'd need some help getting the pose just right I have a pose package. It's here whenever you need it »


4 quick tips you can use RIGHT NOW! Of course, there are no rules in art, these are just tricks that -tend- to create more pleasing art to your average viewer. You’re welcome to ignore them all lol

Above all else, remember to have fun with your art. If it ain’t fun, you won’t practice. If you won’t practice, you won’t get better. If you don’t get better, you can’t flex on your family and friends with your sick af art skills - and that’s why we do it, right?

Stay tuned, cuz in a later guide I'll go over some quick, easy color and light hacks to SPICE 👏 YOUR 👏 ART 👏 UP 👏



Reply if you wanna say hi!

Howdy, I’m Brosatsu!

My mission is to teach your how to thrive as an artist - whether it’s creating an audience, paying the bills, or just feeling good about what you make ;3

Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Pose Bundle: Say goodbye to art-block forever with 550+ useful and easy-to-use pose stamps for your favorite digital art program!

2. Make Pose Requests: Do you need a specific pose you can’t find anywhere else? Join my patreon and I’ll make it for you.

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